No, you can't. If you want to paralyze a Pokemon, it has to be awake.
Simple either Do the special conditions like poison,paralyze, sleep and I say that you paralyze it and make it fall asleep and use a dusk ball or you could use the master ball that Cyrus gave you and you have caught a Giratina
Use Electric Types To Paralyze The Get The Life Low And Use Ultra Or Great Ball.
Simply weaken it to red HP paralyze it and use as many net balls as you can.
weaken it's health to red and paralyze it. use tons of pokeballs or other kinds.
Use master balls. Use a ton of ultra balls and put them to sleep or paralyze but master balls are your best bet since leaf green is harder than its original counterpart
Simple either Do the special conditions like poison,paralyze, sleep and I say that you paralyze it and make it fall asleep and use a dusk ball or you could use the master ball that Cyrus gave you and you have caught a Giratina
Try getting a Pokemon that knows Hypnosis and make Entei fall asleep. If it wakes up, use Hypnosis again or use something like Thunder Wave to paralyze it. While it's asleep, if your Pokemon knows Mean Look, use Mean Look and then Entei can't escape. Don't switch out your Pokemon, because if you do, Mean Look will wear off and Entei will be able to escape.
You'd have to weaken it amd use an ultra ball. I suggest you find a poemon that can make the legendary fall asleep or paralyze it before you try. and stock up on ultra balls. hope it helps!
Catching Pokemon while fishing is the same as catching any other Pokemon in the wild.You want to weaken the Pokemon to red health (preferably) and use a Pokeball or variant to catch it. You could also paralyze or put the Pokemon to sleep to increase your chance of catching it.
if your Pokemon has this moves. It will be the strongest of them all. hypnosis, double team, two other ATTACK. heres how you use them, Use hypnosis then while they are asleep, keep using double team. After that, the opponent wont hit you. Then use your attacks
Weaken it to red HP, paralyze it or make it sleep then use many ultra balls.
Weaken it to red HP, paralyze or make it sleep then use as many ultra balls as you can.
No, turns where a Pokemon is sleeping does not use up PP. This applies both to the player's Pokemon and the opposing Pokemon.
there isn't a awakening stone but if a Pokemon is asleep use awakening buy that from pokemarts.
play pokemon and when you see it it might use this move that will make you asleep so use a pokeball giggly puff is a terible pokemon
Weaken it to red hp, paralyze it then use many net balls or ultra balls.
Use Electric Types To Paralyze The Get The Life Low And Use Ultra Or Great Ball.