Here are two Pokemon Moves that can Paralyze Pokemon: Shock Wave and sometimes Body Slam.
No, you can't. If you want to paralyze a Pokemon, it has to be awake.
shockwave, stunspore, and most electrical moves in later games have a chance to paralyze targets aswell. some electrical Pokemon also have an innate ability to paralyze like mareep and its evolution line, pikachu etc. its an extremely effective tool to catch legendaries, I've caught palkia in pearl first ball(ultra), suicune 3rd ball (ultra) and raquaza with a pokeball and most other legendaries with relative ease while they were paralyzed and have a chip or red hp
put them to sleep, or paralyze them
Putting a Pokemon to sleep will give you a better chance of catching it.
Click on your Pokemon and you scroll down to change the moves to what you want.
No, you can't. If you want to paralyze a Pokemon, it has to be awake.
shockwave, stunspore, and most electrical moves in later games have a chance to paralyze targets aswell. some electrical Pokemon also have an innate ability to paralyze like mareep and its evolution line, pikachu etc. its an extremely effective tool to catch legendaries, I've caught palkia in pearl first ball(ultra), suicune 3rd ball (ultra) and raquaza with a pokeball and most other legendaries with relative ease while they were paralyzed and have a chip or red hp
I suggest using an item or move to paralyze him, then take it from there. Don't use normal type moves, those are weak against him.
there is no move like paralyze.but there are some moves such as thunderbolt,thunder,shock wave,thunder wave,body slam that can cause paralysis
put them to sleep, or paralyze them
Use moves that prevent it from escaping and moves that give it bad conditions, i. e. poison, paralyze, etc. and find a pokeball that matches the Pokemon best. To get them go to get pokeballs from Kurt! It will take a day but it will be worth it.
Paralyze, Sleep or Freeze.
Putting a Pokemon to sleep will give you a better chance of catching it.
You won't. You will only know that YOU will attack first if you paralyze the opponent.
Number 180 is Ninjask. You can find it by getting the Girafarig on Chroma Road and using the lvl 2 tackle that it knows on the tree. By the fallen log but not where the Sudowoodo or Vespiquen is. Hey also don't forget to bring a Pokemon that can slow down ninjask or paralyze him for a few seconds.....he moves really fast!!!!
It depends... a Fire Pokemon learns a lot of burning moves, the water pokemons, water moves...
Click on your Pokemon and you scroll down to change the moves to what you want.