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Click on your Pokemon and you scroll down to change the moves to what you want.

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Q: How do you change Pokemon moves in Pokemon creed?
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How do you change a Pokemons moves in Pokemon lake?

You go to POKEMON And then you click pokemon box and then you click the pokemon and then you there will be a yellow box saying: Change Moves

Will the moves of a Pokemon change if it is in the daycare on Pokemon diamond version?


Where can you change your pokemon moves in heartgold?

In Summary, when you check moves, or in Battle, when you level up.

Can Pokemon on battle revolution get new moves?

The rental Pokemon cannot, but if you have transferred Pokemon from one of your DS games, then you can change the moves and then connect to PBR again.

Can you reteach and delete your Pokémon's moves in Pokemon Battle Revolution?

No, I don't think you can. I might be wrong, but I think you have to change your Pokemon's moves on the DS then copy the Pokemon to the Wii..

Can trapinch still learn dig after evolution?

yes any pokemon that evoles still has its old moves unless the only way a pokemon moves can change is if u change them when the game asks if you want to change the moves or with items for example ( TM 01 cut)

Where are the captured Pokemon in Pokemon creed?

in your pokemon box

How do you change moves on Pokemon Blue?

That depends on what you mean. If you mean change the order that the moves are listed, press Select while in battle in your Attack menu. If you mean learning new moves, simply level up to certain levels (depending on the Pokemon) and you will learn it, or use TMs and HMs to automatically learn moves.

How do you change the name of a Pokemon move?

You cannot change the name of moves sadly. Only the names of the pokémon can be changed.

What happens when Pokemon get to level 100?

They're at their strongest. You can still change that Pokemon's moves, but when you fight with it, it won't gain EXP.

Will Pokemon learn new moves in daycare in fire red?

yes but you don't know what moves the day care lady will change

Is there acode to change a gender of a Pokemon in Pokemon diamond?

to change the gender release a Pokemon that can be caught in the wild, go where it was caught and you will find it same level, same moves, same exp points but the opposite gender.