You go to POKEMON And then you click pokemon box and then you click the pokemon and then you there will be a yellow box saying: Change Moves
there is no thrust lake.
just go to pokemon box and check ur pokemon there is Move out of party Evolve Release if its in your team and if its not in yout team it says Move in party Trade Evolve Release Gift
in Pokemon lake, there are no cheats. but, there are glitches and good walkthroughs for it. so this is the answer to your questions, everyone. first of all you will need as many masterballs as you can get. first, catch the strongest Pokemon you see( if you just started it will probably be at level 20-30). once you do that, look for more Pokemon. when you find another one send out the Pokemon you just caught. as you can see the strength of the wild Pokemon is increased by a few levels(may take a little while to find a stronger one). catch that with a masterball as well. then do the exact same thing i just said(WARNING: if you have one strong Pokemon and the rest of them are weak, don't let your strong one faint or the glitch will reset and the level of that wild Pokemon will change). for example: i have a level 60 claydol, and i see a wild magby, i send out claydol and the magby is at level 68! i catch it with a masterball... note that this willl keep increasing the wild pokemons' levels until they are at 100! have fun and if you're wondering my username for Pokemon lake is tejroe
Lake Valor, Lake Acuity, and Lake Verity
sorry the game Pokemon lake is now in BETA and has really changed have a look
You catch Pokemon while walking/running/riding a bike in the grass or caves. If you have a fishing rod then go by a lake then use your rod. You can also surf and catch pokemons
a lake in Pokemon
try using moves like dragon rage with the red pokemon in lake of range or sonicboom with magmerite
in the lake
Pokemon lake is not an offical Nintendo game
in the snow place
at the start of Pokemon pearl and diamond when you watch the tv and theres a program about a lake the Pokemon in the lake the Pokemon is the red garydos all so on Pokemon platuim Cyrus talks to mesprit at the lake
go to the side menu bar and hold your mouse above Pokemon. There should be a drop down menu. click on the one that says Pokemon box. you can add and remove Pokemon from there.
The legendary Pokemon available in Lake Valor is Azelf one of the Legendary Lake trio. Happy Pokemon Catching J.R.
srry there isn't a trust lake in Pokemon diamond nor Pokemon pearl.
in the lake search for it
there is no thrust lake.