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Yes you can

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Q: Can you hex edit on the PS3?
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How do you hex edit Pokemon emerald?

well you have to get the software from the internet then your free to hex edit. when you hex edit you can do anything that you want to do such as get every single Pokemon in shiny form. well you have to get the software from the internet then your free to hex edit. when you hex edit you can do anything that you want to do such as get every single Pokemon in shiny form.

Can you use mods on Fallout 3 for the PS3?

Unfortunately no. The PC version is the only one that can be "modded," though you can Hex Edit the Xbox 360 version.

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You need to hex edit the ide.img in the objects folder for pc. Best hex editing software is HxD.

How do you hex edit videos so that it seems shorter than it is?

Please help me.

What are safest way to edit registry in WIN 95?

use a hex editor, any will do.

Is there a hex editor that can make the same edit on multiple files via batch? has a program called "Batch Hex Editor", check it out. Hope that is what you are looking for. It is free to try

How do you get enemies on black ops on PS3?

Go to edit game options

Can you edit attires in svr 2010 on ps2?

No they only have edit attires for created wrestlers on ps2. edit attires are only on ps3 and xbox 360 as i know it.

Will there be a canis canem edit on PS3?

will some one please tell me if canis canem edit (bully) is on Andy other systems apart from wii, ps2 and xbox.

How can you edit the text on DS games. I have a Mac and would like to edit some text in Pokemon Platinum?

I think there is only way. Use "Hex Workshop" I dont know how edit text in DS game.

How do you get speed hack on mw2 ps3 using hex?

you dont because it is nooby and if you do you riun the game so get banned :/

How do you edit pictures on PS3?

cant edit but if you have the PLAYSTATION EYE then you can create cool features and the equivalent of editing before you take the picture