No, you cannot except for trying to trade for a Victini. Once an event's time period ends, the system that distributes the signal will be shut down.
You cannot get back an event once it has ended however there is the option of trading for the event as long as it involved a Pokémon like the movie event Victini release and not a Key Item like the Liberty Pass.
Victini is not capable of learning v-Create, only special Nintendo event giveaways will be able to give away a Victini that knows v-Create.
Victini cannot learn V-generate also known as V-create naturally. V-create is a special move that only event Victini can have.
You can get a Victini that's lvl 50 with V-create through an event. Other than that, you can't.
i belive it is the victini event boat, there is several boats, and im not sure what one your talking about. if it involves the liberty pass, it is victini even
It's only if they choose to do the Special Event again of Victini. They passed 2 events of Victini. I'm sure they'll get another one soon probably.
I'm not exactly sure what you meant by that, but Victini is an event-only Pokemon, by either means of Mystery Gift for Liberty Pass or the December 2011 V-Create Victini by WFC, so far. Both have passed already, and it is unsure whether there will be more Victini events. Victini - Liberty Pass - March-April 2011 V-Create Victini- December 2011
You cannot get back an event once it has ended however there is the option of trading for the event as long as it involved a Pokémon like the movie event Victini release and not a Key Item like the Liberty Pass.
There was a event but is now over.maybe in the future another victini event will come
Considering that there has already been 2 or 3 of them, not for a long time if ever again.
No, the Pokémon event that was held for Victini didn't cost any money.
You can't get the Victini event without using an Action Replay, or wait for another event further in the future.
The Victini Event will be on Wi-Fi. You cannot get it in Generation 4. The event lasts from March 6- April 10.
you can not find victini , you obtain it from i wifi event which ended in April
You can't. You have to get Victini with an event.
It's finished.