No, But there is a spec ops type thing which is like campaign but is muliplayer.
Yes it is
On multiplayer, it is unlocked at the start.
no, there all legitimate people.
There is no campaign for multiplayer. There is multiplayer which has no storyline, there is special ops where you can do co-op to do either a kind of campaign with a storyline with a friend or do survival mode to survive as many times as possible, or there is campaign mode, which is a single-player storyline.
i think modern warfare 2 had better graphics by quite a lot and mw2 campaign is better then black ops one but i do like black ops zombies i think treyarch has fail to beat mw2 campaign and graphics but multiplayer is just about the same but black ops has got worse killstreaks then mw2
Go too multi-player then you should be able to do a campaign. two player.
Modern Warfare 2 is a better game in terms of multiplayer, campaign, and graphics.
you bet it does!
Mw2 Ftw because there is special ops, and more people play online, although the campaign is quite short and maybe a bit dull! But the multiplayer is definitely worth it. Add me on PSN- my name is josherlus1
Yes it is
Modern Warfare 2 (mw2) is rated m for MATURE.
No because , the multiplayer maps for mw2 are designed to stop camping and it works also they are great maps.
Im pretty sure Mw2 is better because i have both and mw2 has a better multiplayer. Mw2- 9 out of 10 Cod4- 8.5 out of 10
On multiplayer, it is unlocked at the start.
no, there all legitimate people.