Get the game winning kill with a Riot Shield.
get to level 48 and you unlock the ACR
Level 48
when you are level 4 you unlock the intervention and 50 cal.
no you cant, only ur enemies on the game can only do that
Get a game winning killcam with a Riot Shield.
No it cannot, but it can make bullets pass by
Get the game winning kill with a Riot Shield.
get to level 48 and you unlock the ACR
There are a number of glitches. A couple of them are Elevators. Wall breach. Riot Surfing and more. No there your mom. Yes it is!
Level 48
You unlock it at level 42 and I suggest getting akimbo with it.
when you are level 4 you unlock the intervention and 50 cal.
You can not the game does not have it
get 2500 headshots
Unlock all attachments.