Moltres is a legendary fire type of Pokémon in the Pokémon series. It is indeed possible to catch one with a great ball.
yes u can, that's whut i did and now i have a moltres
Any pokeball will work but an ultra ball is probably best.
For Zapdos: Go through the power plant and use your master ball, If Master ball has been used then attempt to capture with Great ball or Ultra ball. For Moltres: Go to Mt. Ember and climb to the summit and Moltres will be waiting. Use your Master ball, If used try to capture with Great ball or Ultra ball. For Articuno: Go to the Sea foam caves and move the boulders through the empty holes ( Strenght HM Is needed ) Articuno is tricky to catch. Use your Master ball, If used try to capture with Great ball or Ultra ball.
You can catch any legendary Pokemon with an ultra ball as long as you get their hp down and you have to have a lot of them. Try to put it to sleep or paralyze it to make the catch easier.
Moltres is not in ruby only firered, leafgreen and Pokemon xd gale of darkness can get moltres.
a ultraball or a master ball
no, but you need to try it goes verry well. PS try quick ball to
yes u can, that's whut i did and now i have a moltres
Weaken him until he's almost fainted, and then inflict a status (sleep preferably, but paralysis, and freezing also work) upon him. Use a ball with a high catch rate (ultra ball, and great ball work well).
you dont have to you can just catch him witha master ball you get from silph co.
It's not hard just damage the moltres that he has little HP left. And then use a ultra ball.
Any pokeball will work but an ultra ball is probably best.
Moltres is a legendary Fire and Flying type Pokemon. It can be caught in Mt. Ember in Pokemon FireRed using an Ultra Ball. The catch rate will be more successful if the player has whittled down Moltres's HP and affected its status in some way.
For Zapdos: Go through the power plant and use your master ball, If Master ball has been used then attempt to capture with Great ball or Ultra ball. For Moltres: Go to Mt. Ember and climb to the summit and Moltres will be waiting. Use your Master ball, If used try to capture with Great ball or Ultra ball. For Articuno: Go to the Sea foam caves and move the boulders through the empty holes ( Strenght HM Is needed ) Articuno is tricky to catch. Use your Master ball, If used try to capture with Great ball or Ultra ball.
To catch an articuno with an ultra ball you have to lower it's HP and put it to sleep... To catch a moltres you only have to lower his HP then use an ultra ball... To catch a zapdos a master ball is required... Or you could get a gameshark!
You can catch any legendary Pokemon with an ultra ball as long as you get their hp down and you have to have a lot of them. Try to put it to sleep or paralyze it to make the catch easier.
catch Zapdos or Articuno