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you can catch it by teaching a Pokemon False swipe. The first time you encounter it and you use a move, it will flee. next time you encounter it, paralyze it or put is to sleep.

The moves charm and thunder wave work best. also sweet kiss. Than use false swipe

and a quick ball.

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Q: Can you catch mesprit with a quick ball?
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How do you catch mesprit on Pokemon Diamond?

Mesprit does flee from the battles normally at the beginning. But if you manage to inflict damage on it then when you see it again it will still have the damage to it. The best way I found to catch Mesprit is to get a level 30-40 Pokemon that knows Mean Look, I evolved my gastly as i found my captured Haunters didnt know Mean Look. Then give your Pokemon that knows mean look a quick claw. Track down Mesprit using the Poketech app (forgot what it is called, my apologies >.

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In Pokemon Platinum Version, what type of pokeball do you use to catch Azelf Uxie and Mesprit?Use dusk balls and timerballs later on, use a pokeball if u want, for mesprit it's a quick ball.

How do you catch mesprit if you have killed it?

You have two chances to catch Mesprit. If you accidentally make it faint both times, you can't catch it anymore. If you made Mesprit faint once, find it, trap it, lower its hp to 1 using false swipe (you should have gotten the TM), let it escape, then encounter it again and use a quick ball.

What is the best pokeball to catch Mesprit with in diamond version?

A Master Ball

In Pokemon platinum your lvl 23 chatot is trying to use sing on mesprit you gave it the quick claw and nothing works what should you do?

if you have a master ball catch it or if you have the move mean look

What pokeball do you use to catch mesprite and creselia?

the best way to catch creselia is to weak it and when its hp is red catch it with a quick ball.the quick ball must be used when you find the Pokemon and throw as your first ball without a move the best way to catch mesprit is to throw your master ball at it. (i havent caught creselia yet.) or you can use a masterball on both if its hard ue a quickball on either when their weak(i havent caught any of them im trying though)

In Pokémon pearl when you try and catch Mesprit by using mean look it flees before you can use it help please?

Have a wobuffet first in the party or a Pokemon with the ability arena trap weaken mesprit then throw some ultra balls or don't do what i just said and weaken it then find it again and use a quick ball you should catch it.

What ball do you catch Cressilia?

The best ball to use on her is a quick ball .

Where do you catch mesprit?

Mesprit roams Sinnoh.

How can you catch mesprit without a masterball?

follow him (this is best done by switching in between 2 routes until he appears on one of them) and either use mean look on him or get him to the red zone with a status problem (preferably paralyzation) and use a quick ball or dusk ball at night until you catch him hope this helps XD