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yes but it is incredibly difficult. i recomend timer balls and ultra balls. if u want to use normal pokeballs though, get the legendaries health to at least 5 hp or lower. (take a really weak Pokemon to take off an additional small amount of hp if u want to make it easier) and give it a status problem preferrably sleep or prlz. u will have to be very very patient lol

(not to interrupt,but i caught a cobalion and zekrom with a pokeball,7 turns for zekrom, and an incredible28 for cobalion, so its not impossible)

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Q: Can you catch legendary Pokemon with a normal poke ball?
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You have to get the end of the game and find the end place where the legendary Pokemon is waiting and you catch it with the master ball you were given earlier in the game

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Use the master ball you get from profe elm