Just get a ditto and breed it. :]
You'll get an eevee egg, though.
Just give it another fire stone, or, if you have AR, just duplicate it. :]
Hope I helped!
no Pokemon evolves with a fire stone in Pokemon platinum except eevee which turns in to flareon
I got my Flareon by evolving my Eevee with a fire stone. I got my Eevee from Bebe (She lives right next to the Pokemon center in Hearthome City.)
It is possible to make Eevee eggs with any of Eevee's evolutions. Breeding with Flareon is possible, but breeding to hatch a Flareon egg is impossible.
I think Infernape,Rapidash, Flareon and Magmortar.
A Flareon
no Pokemon evolves with a fire stone in Pokemon platinum except eevee which turns in to flareon
One reason why it may be taking so long to breed your flareon is that it doesn't like the Pokemon it is with.
You can't preevolve Pokemon so you if you want another evee breed flareon with ditto, or if the flareon is a female you could breed it with another Pokemon, as long as they are from the same egg group.
I got my Flareon by evolving my Eevee with a fire stone. I got my Eevee from Bebe (She lives right next to the Pokemon center in Hearthome City.)
It is possible to make Eevee eggs with any of Eevee's evolutions. Breeding with Flareon is possible, but breeding to hatch a Flareon egg is impossible.
I think Infernape,Rapidash, Flareon and Magmortar.
Once you have eevee from that girl in hearthome city ,give it a fire stone.
almost all.
breed an electabuzz if you want an elekid in Pokemon platinum