no Pokemon evolves with a fire stone in Pokemon platinum except eevee which turns in to flareon
You can evolve Eevee by giving it:A thunder stone evolves it into: JolteonA water stone evolves it into: VaporeonA fire stone evolves it into: Flareon
you can probably get it Underground.
Growlithe evolves into Arcanine when you give the Pokemon a fire stone.
Exeggcute evolves only via the use of a Leaf Stone.
It evolves into Rubygon with a fire stone or Saphiregon with a water stone.
Fire stone evolves Pansear into Simisear.
Pansear uses a fire stone to evolve into Simisear.
well eevee evolves into flareon if you use a fire stone on it well eevee evolves into flareon if you use a fire stone on it
no, vulpix is a first-evolution pokemon. it evolves into a ninetales when you use a fire stone.
You must find a special stone (fire stone, moon stone, ect.) and give it to your eevee to evolve it. It evolves according to the stone you gave it. For example, if you gave it a fire stone, it would evolve in to the fire eevee.
Growlithe > fire stone > Arcanine
It automatically evolves any fire based pokemon.
Vulpix, Growlithe, and Eevee.
It evolves evee into flareon.
The Pokemon Vulpix Evolves Into NineTales
You can evolve Eevee by giving it:A thunder stone evolves it into: JolteonA water stone evolves it into: VaporeonA fire stone evolves it into: Flareon