You can evolve Eevee by giving it:
A thunder stone evolves it into: Jolteon
A water stone evolves it into: Vaporeon
A fire stone evolves it into: Flareon
Its evolve to Vaporeon from eevee
in Pokemon red, blue, and yellow, you can evolve eevee into flareon, vaporeon, or jolteon, by using on it a fire stone, water stone, or thunder stone respectively. In Pokemon gold silver and crystal, eevee can evolve into the three previous forms mentioned, as well as: umbreon and espeon by leveling up a happy eevee in the evening, or in the daytime respectively.
Evolve it from eevee
Ive hear my friends say that in Pokemon yellow you can evolve eevee in a espeon with a moon stone
Its evolve to Vaporeon from eevee
in Pokemon red, blue, and yellow, you can evolve eevee into flareon, vaporeon, or jolteon, by using on it a fire stone, water stone, or thunder stone respectively. In Pokemon gold silver and crystal, eevee can evolve into the three previous forms mentioned, as well as: umbreon and espeon by leveling up a happy eevee in the evening, or in the daytime respectively.
That would be for Eevee and Pikachu the stone does not evolve any other pokemon.
an eevee
Evolve it from eevee
You evolve an Eevee into and Espeon by raising it to max happiness. Pokemon gain happiness when you give them massages (in Goldenrod underground and Blue's sister.) It will take a while to reach max happiness. Then you level it up in the day. It will evolve into Espeon.
Eevee will not evolve because there has not been a new Pokemon invented in which eevee can evolve into.
it can evolve eevee into a flareon.
you can evolve pikachu into Raichu and Eevee into Jolteon
Evee will never evolve unless you use a fire stone, water stone or thunder stone on it.