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I got my Flareon by evolving my Eevee with a fire stone. I got my Eevee from Bebe (She lives right next to the Pokemon center in Hearthome City.)

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Q: How do you get flareon in Pokemon platinum?
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Related questions

Who should you evolve your eevee to in Pokemon platinum?

A Flareon

What Pokemon evolves with a fire stone in Pokemon Platinum?

no Pokemon evolves with a fire stone in Pokemon platinum except eevee which turns in to flareon

What is the best fire type pokemon in platinum?

I think Infernape,Rapidash, Flareon and Magmortar.

How do you get a flareon on Pokemon platinum?

Once you have eevee from that girl in hearthome city ,give it a fire stone.

Evolve Evee In Pokemon Platinum?

by happiness (umbreon and espeon) by area (leafeon and glaceon) or stone (jolteon, vaporeon and flareon)

What is number 136 in Pokemon platinum?

in the national pokedex it is flareon which i have finished the national pokedex in the first pokedex it is tentacool in platnium

Where is a trainer that has Vaporeon in Pokemon Platinum?

a collector on route 212 named Douglas has a jolteon flareon and a vaporeon hope this helped : )

Where to find a trainer with a vaporeon in Pokemon platinum?

On route 214, There is a trainer with a Jolteon, Flareon and a Vaporeon. The trainers name is collector Douglas

What Pokemon does Flint have in Pokemon Platinum?

A Level 52 Houndoom, a Level 55 Infernape, a Level 55 Flareon, a Level 53 Rapidash and a Level 57 Magmortar.

Where do you catch flareon on Pokemon pearl?

Flareon cannot be found in the wild.

Who evolves into flareon Pokemon Blue Rescue Team?

eevee evolves into flareon

Does a fire stone make Eevee evolve into a Flareon in Pokemon Platinum?

Yes. You can also find various other stones to evolve Eevee into other evolutions.