It is possible to make Eevee eggs with any of Eevee's evolutions. Breeding with Flareon is possible, but breeding to hatch a Flareon egg is impossible.
To get Flareon, you do not level him up- you use a fire stone! I don't think that Flareon evolves into anything though....
mine learned it at lv.56
Yes with ditto O
my lareon learnd ember at level 15. It might depend on what Pokemon game it is my game is firered. :)
To get Flareon, you do not level him up- you use a fire stone! I don't think that Flareon evolves into anything though....
Moltres Charizard Arcanine Ninetales Rapidash Flareon
One reason why it may be taking so long to breed your flareon is that it doesn't like the Pokemon it is with.
Charizard, suicune, flareon, absol, articuno, and espeon.
You can't preevolve Pokemon so you if you want another evee breed flareon with ditto, or if the flareon is a female you could breed it with another Pokemon, as long as they are from the same egg group.
mine learned it at lv.56
Yes you can breed any Pokemon except legendaries and preevolved Pokemon.
You can breed all Pokemon except: Legendaries, Babies and Eggs.
The only type of pokemon that can't breed in fire red are legendary pokemons.
Breed a ditto and the Pokemon you want cloned.
Charizard, charmeleon, charmander, ditto sort of counts cause it can switch into other pokemon, flareon, and growlithe.