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Yes and you get pichu.

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Q: Can you breed Pikachu and Raichu?
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Can you breed a Pokemon with a ditto to get a Pikachu?

yes either a raichu or a pikachu.

How do you catch Pichu in Pokemon Sapphire?

breed pikachu/raichu

Can a Pikachu beat a Raichu?

yes but it would make a pichu or pikachu egg.

Where can you find Pichu in Pokemon Silver?

You must breed a Pikachu or Raichu.

How do you get Pichu on pokemon saphire?

Breed female and male pikachu or female and male raichu you can also try female pikachu and male raichu and vice-versa

Where yo find Pichu on Pokemon ruby verison?

you have to breed pikachu or raichu

What does riachu evolve into in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Raichu is the final form of Pichu, it evolves from Pikachu by Thunderstone. If you breed Pikachu for example with Ditto, you will get Pichu, maybe it works with Raichu, too.

If you breed a Raichu with a Ditto will it come out as Pikachu?

No. When it hatches from the egg it will be a Pichu. Then you can evolve the Pichu though friendship it will become a Pikachu.

How does Pikachu evolve into?

A Pikachu evolves from a Pichu.

What game can you catch Pichu in?

You can't pichu ever, to get one breed pikachu or raichu.

How do you get Raichu?

Raichu is the evolved form of Pikachu. To get a Raichu, use a Thunder Stone on a Pikachu.

Will a Raichu still be Pikachu-colored if you evolve your Pikachu-colored Pichu?

No, Raichu won't be Pikachu-colored if you evolve your Pikachu-colored Pichu into a Raichu, it'll look like a regular Shiny Raichu.