In mossdeep city you have to go two houses next to the gym and get TM dive by steven go on the black part around sootopolis and use dive.
Sootopolis city.
you have to learn dive first beat the twins then get dive go on you way to sootopolis and when you see dark spots in the water use divethat's how you get into sootopolis
Dive near sootopolis
In the sootopolis city gym.
The trees are blocking an inaccessible area in Sootopolis City on Pokemon Emerald. This area was accessed with the E-Reader however the cards needed to unlock it were never released.
under sootopolis
He is at Sootopolis can battle him only after the sootopolis incident
in sootopolis city
north of sootopolis city
Sootopolis City
simpliy the dark spot leading to sootopolis you have to use dive
Go to Sootopolis.
sootopolis city
you go to sootopolis city
underwater near sootopolis city
well i forgot