The trees are blocking an inaccessible area in Sootopolis City on Pokemon Emerald. This area was accessed with the E-Reader however the cards needed to unlock it were never released.
through a game shark. i have gone through it before and inside is an aurora ticket a mystic ticket and a jirachi!
You Don't Wanna Know
After the 7th gym, surf around and when you see dark spots in the water, press A and use Dive. Then find a huge block with no wild grass, enter a cave door underwater, then go back up. You should be in Sootopolis City (water is light blue there) the gym leader there is Juan, who specializes in Water Types.
clear the distorted world
you have to distory the door
To get to sootopolis you have to dive in front of the big rock because the entrance is underwater
The Sootopolis City Gym door is unlocked after you retrieve Rayquaza from the Sky Pillar.
Dive in front of the city. their is an opening in the dive spot. enter and go up to the surface. you are now in the city. :)
Go to Sootopolis city, go to the bottom part where you can dive then go underwater go out the door and on the grass around there will be the Relicrap
through a game shark. i have gone through it before and inside is an aurora ticket a mystic ticket and a jirachi!
it is behind door blocked by trees need a special pass to get it only from event.
i think you need a e-reader to skan Pokemon cards(trainer card=trainer in back room Pokemon card=Pokemon in back room, this might work in sapphire & rube aswell).
Entrance and exit and blocking draughts.
Door & Gates Fixer
you go under water near sootopolis into a cave where a sub' is, go to the suface and go through the cave then go to sootopolis go to the left side of sootopolis, talk to steven, go in the cave to wallace, tell him rayquaza is in the sky plliar. head to pacifidalog and head right(>) and up toward a cave entrance, go through to the top, talk to wallace and go into the door go up the tower head toward raquaza fly to sootopolis talk to archie and maxie then talk to steven/wallece and head into the 8th gym Hope this helps!