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Marking map

you get the marking map in the poketch company place.
you talk to the person by the counter(he's the manager)and you keep on speaking to him until you have it.

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Q: How do you get poketch item for Cresselia?
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Where is Cresselia next?

Cresselia is always at a random spot on the map, and since every game is different, it is impossible to answer where Cresselia is next. You should get the Marking Map App for your Poketch, which gives the exact location of Roaming Pokemon (e.g., Mesprit and Cresselia).

Where can you catch a Cresselia?

After it flees New Moon Island, it will roam around Sinnoh. The Map App on the Poketch will track location.

What routes can you find Cresselia on Pokemon pearl?

You can find it on any route. Just use the poketch app marking map!

Where in Pokemon pearl do you obtain the Pokemon Tracker app for the poketch?

You get the app from the president of the Poketch company in Jubilife City after winning the Veilstone City Gym battle. In Pearl, this app is used for tracking Mesprit and Cresselia

How and where do you get the item which evolves togetec in pearl?

no only cresselia is there

Were do you find in item app in platinum?

App is not an item, it is those things that you put into youir poketch, such as the marking map.

Why is a dot still bleeping on the Sinnoh region map on Pokemon Platinum even though I've caught Mesprit but not yet released Cresselia?

Refresh/Change Poketch App then go back to the same poketch app and the dot should be gone!

Where do you find Cresselia after she flees on Pokemon diamond?

After she flees from the island, she roams the sinnoh region. Then you can use your poketch app that you use to find mesprit, and hunt it down.

In Pokemon pearl when i try to catch Cresselia it won't show up on my map?

you need the marker app for your poketch. it will show up on it after you encounter it on fullmoon island.

How do you find the underground item poketch app?

There is no useable Poketch apps underground. If you mean the radar on the Underground PC, you need to steal a certain amount of flags.

How do you catch crasellia in Pokemon Platinum?

cresselia is a roaming Pokemon, to catch it you have to follow your marking map on poketch this way it will help you find it or some other roaming Pokemon. hope this helped :) PS: the roaming Pokemon are... Zapdos, Articuno, Moltres, Mesprit, and Cresselia

How do you know where Cresselia and mesprit are?

You see them on your Poketch map. Don't fly there, or they'll go somewhere far away. If you get on the same route, just run around in the grass.