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When a Pokemon is travelling around (mesprit, cresselia) the marking map will show a little face. Wherever the face is on the map, you will find the Pokemon. The Pokemon wil not be standing there, it will be hiding in the tall grass or even on water..

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Q: How do you use the marking map app for the poketch?
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What routes can you find Cresselia on Pokemon pearl?

You can find it on any route. Just use the poketch app marking map!

What if you can't catch mespirit?

Use the poketch app marking map. you get it from the president of the poketch company [jublie city} after receiving the 7th or 8th gym badge diamond and pearl not sure about platinum

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use the poketch app markin map after you beat the elite 4

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you use the marking map on the poketch which you get in the poketch building after you beat the third gym. and you catch them by chasing them on the marking map like mesprit. i suggest using the move mean look which golbat and haunter learn

Where does cressilia go after you meet it at fullmoon island in platinum?

It's a roaming Pokemon, which means that it goes around the whole region. You have to use your Poketch App: Marking Map, which is a mini map of Sinnoh with six shapes on it. There will be a little figure going around Sinnoh, and that will be Cresselia. Follow it to catch it, but don't use Fly or else it will go far away.

How do you free mispirit in Pokemon pearl?

After talking to Professor Rowan and Co in the Canalave Library, travel to the three lakes of Sinnoh in this order: Valor, Acuity, Verity. Upon reaching lake Verity you will see Mesprit, but it'll run immediately. use your Marking Map Poketch App to find it.

How do you catch roaming Pokemon in platinum?

1. use a master ball. 2. use the poketch map app to track the Pokemon and weaken them then use any pokeball to catch them (this takes a while)

How do you track Mesprit with the poketch in Platinum?

You must go to jubilife city, then talk to the poketech president, you must have a certain badge, he will give you the map app and once you use it it will show you mesprit´s position on the map

When you go out chasing mesprit on Pokemon how do you see it?

If u have a marking map on your poketch look 4 mesprits head on it and follow it. Dont use fly or itll run, so try using a bike. And you have 2 look in the grass for it in the area its in. Stock ^ on lots of Quick balls or if u have a master ball use that. Happy Huntingyou have to get a poketeck app

How do you get the keys in Valor Lakefront?

use the Dowsing machine/itemfinder app on you're poketch.

How do you use the underground poketch app in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

you touch the screen with your stiylist

Where do you get the Stopwatch for the Poketch in Pearl?

The Stop Watch Poketch app was only available through official Nintendo events. You will need to use the Action Replay to get it.