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To find Mesprit after it runs away Note:Happens after beat Galactic at Lake Valor aslo when you beat the elite four and got the national dex go to canaclave and go to the saliors house talk to the boy and he is having a neverending nightmare from darkrai talk to the sailor and you can go to fullmoon island and talk to cressila and will run of and track it on the marking map like mesprit.

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Q: In Pokemon pearl how do you use the marking poketch app?
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Where can you find the marking poketch app on Pokemon pearl?

Go to Jubilife City and go into the poketch company towards the top left of the town. Talk to the professor. Keep talking to him until he gives you the marking poketch app.

How do you get the marking map on the poketch in Pokemon platinum?

Go and talk to the owner of poketch in poketch company's building he will install the marking map app in your poketch

What routes can you find Cresselia on Pokemon pearl?

You can find it on any route. Just use the poketch app marking map!

The Pokemon tracer app in Pokemon Diamond?

the poketch marking map can be obtained by the poketch president after getting the 5th or 7th badge

What is marking map?

it's a poketch app for tracking wandering pokemon, that you get in jubilife

Where in Pokemon pearl do you obtain the Pokemon Tracker app for the poketch?

You get the app from the president of the Poketch company in Jubilife City after winning the Veilstone City Gym battle. In Pearl, this app is used for tracking Mesprit and Cresselia

Where do you get Pokemon history poketch app in Pokemon pearl?

A resident in Solaceon town will give it to you.

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from a woman in eterna city's Pokemon city

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you need to get a poketch that has an app for the time set to you ds

How do you use the underground poketch app in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

you touch the screen with your stiylist

Where do you catch articuno in Pokemon platinum?

You can find articuno in the poketch marking app when he's all around

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Talk to the Poketch President after receiving 7 gym badges.