Postal 2 can only run on computers in the UPS (jk)
Portal 2 should be able to run Windows 8.1, as all the other Source games can.
The Sims 2 does not work with Wine, the most commonly used binary layer to run Windows programs on Linux. There are reports that the game is playable with Cedega, a proprietary fork of Wine, but you would have to pay for that.
First off, what are you even doing with a Windows 2000 operating system? You should get Windows 7. Second, theoretically, it COULD work, but if you're using an original Windows 2000 computer, the graphics card isn't powerful enough. My advice: upgrade. Or wait 2 months for Windows 8.
Go to your Program Files (usually in C: Drive), and find the Midtown Madness 2 .exe file. Right click and select properties. Under the compatibilty tab, select the checkbox and set it to run as Windows XP (Service Pack 2 or 3, it doesn't really matter).
Yes the Sims 2 should work on Windows 98.
you can find a download for postal by going on the official website "running with siccors website where there is a lot of downloads for postal and other things. You will have to download it illeagly it is only 19.99 which is cheap for a great game! :)
No. Windows, and Windows programs, cannot be installed or run on a PS2.
Need for Speed Shift will not run on Windows XP Service Pack 2. The game will nonetheless work on Windows XP if it is upgraded to Service Pack 3.
JC2 needs DX10 and higher. WinXP only supports up; to DX9 - ergo, Just Cause 2 will not run on Windows XP - unfortunately
I am pretty sure it's a bank and postal holiday today, 1/2/2012.
it might if you run it as windows XP in the troubleshoot compatability tool
You can run Windows 7 with 1-2 GB of RAM depending on what you are doing. (More stuff you need more RAM) I Would go with at least 4 if not 8 GB of RAM to run Windows 7.
No because nobody likes Halo
You can run windows on a mac
Post 2 Apocalypse can be purchased online from Steam and Amazon. Postal 2 Apocalypse was released in 2005 as the sequel to Postal 2.
It is: 9^2 = 81