First off, what are you even doing with a Windows 2000 operating system? You should get Windows 7. Second, theoretically, it COULD work, but if you're using an original Windows 2000 computer, the graphics card isn't powerful enough. My advice: upgrade. Or wait 2 months for Windows 8.
Yes, it should work fine under Win7.
if you are using windows 7 1 click start, type %appdata% 2 open . minecraft and delete bin 3 start minecraft and update if you are not using windows 7 1 click run/%appdata% 2 open . minecraft and delete bin 3 start minecraft and update
Go to your ".minecraft" folder, and open the "screenshots" folder. If you're using any flavour of Windows, then press the Windows flag key and the R key together, and you'll get the "Run..." dialog. Type this into the box (including the percent signs, and, if you want, the quotes): "/.minecraft/screenshots" and press Enter. Voila!
yes a g50 can run on minecraft
Honey, Windows 98 is so last century, like literally. Roblox requires a more recent operating system to run, like Windows 7 or higher. Time to upgrade that fossil, sweetie.
Yes, I play Minecraft on my Windows 8.
On the Minecraft download page, you can download a Vanilla (standard) Minecraft server for Windows, Mac, and (I think) Linux.
No games were ver written explicitly for Windows 2000. Those that do run on it should also run on Windows XP without any problems.
No. The last version of Windows Media Player to run on Windows 2000 was
Use VMWare and run a windows 98 or windows 2000 operating system.
Yes, as long as you have a recent version of Java installed.
Most games written for Windows 3.1 or Windows 95 will run on Windows 98. Games that were only written with Windows 2000 or later in mind will usually not run on Windows 98.
Windows XP: Open the start menu, click "Run" then type %appdata%. It will open a folder with Roaming in it. Open that, and then click on the .minecraft file. Windows 7: Open the start menu, and then type %appdata% in the search bar. It will open a folder with Roaming in it. Open that, and then click on the .minecraft file.
A very large number of the programs that will run on Windows XP will also run on Windows 2000, unless otherwise specified. A comprehensive list isn't really possible.
It is a Java application so doesn't have to run on Windows.
Yes, it should work fine under Win7.
if you are using windows 7 1 click start, type %appdata% 2 open . minecraft and delete bin 3 start minecraft and update if you are not using windows 7 1 click run/%appdata% 2 open . minecraft and delete bin 3 start minecraft and update