I have windows 8 too. All you have to do is windows button+r then type in %appdata%
You can play minecraft on Windows, ios, and or Linex computers all have their download versions located at Minecraft.net
I can answer this for Windows and Mac: Windows: Find your Minecraft folder (search: %appdata%\minecraft) and delete the folder named "bin". Re-open Minecraft and it will re-download the bin, fixing it. Mac: In Finder, go to your Hard drive (the silver rectangle that is named "HardDrive", users, your user name, library, Application Support, Minecraft, and delete your "bin" folder. Re-open your client and it will re-download the bin, fixing it.
yes you can download minecraft but its not free fo game
Yes, I play Minecraft on my Windows 8.
Yes, you can.
Go to the minecraft.net site and down load it like you normally would.
On the Minecraft download page, you can download a Vanilla (standard) Minecraft server for Windows, Mac, and (I think) Linux.
Yes, simply download it from the minecraft website.
Minecraft currently supports: Windows XP - Windows 8. Linux And recently All types of Apple.
Minecraft does not need to update for it to be compatible with Windows 8
Minecraft is available for all computers: Mac, Linux, and Windows. You can download it from minecraft.net.
On the minecraft homepage click on the download button below the buy now button and then select the client you have (Windows, Mac etc) then download it, run it and it should download minecraft.
Yes, you can download the US browser for Windows 8.