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I have windows 8 too. All you have to do is windows button+r then type in %appdata%

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Q: Where to find minecraft folder on windows 8?
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Can you download Minecraft on Windows 8?


How do you add Minecraft mods texture packs?

First, you download the texture pack you want. Next, if needed, unzip the folder. Third, drag the unzipped folder into the texture pack folder.1. Open Minecraft.2. Go to options, there will be something that saids c:/user/youraccount/appdata/roaming/ minecraft. (If you cannot find this, then play Minecraft. Go to texture packs and click add texture pack. Skip step 3.)3. Click Textures4. Download a texture pack from the internet. Some texture packs have more instructions. They sometimes include instructions on haw to install them. 5. Drag the zip texture pack into the texture section of the Minecraft file. 6. Run Minecraft 7. Go to textures 8. If you did this correctly the texture pack will show up. 9. Click on it. 10. Play Minecraft! ENJOY! :}

Why wont some minecraft adventure maps work?

there can be 2 problems that i know of i will discuss the one that i know how to fix first (its a bit confusing so read it carefully) problem 1: you hae put the map in your minecraft saves folder and it will not show up on your map list, this is an easy fix step 1: go in your minecraft saves folder step 2: go into your downloads and find the ZIP file that the map is in step 3: open the ZIP file (right click, open) if it says you cant open then right click, open with WINrar, IZarc or whatever archiver you have step 4: once you have the zip file opened, double click on the folder and find the level.dat (there maybe files called old level.dat but just highlight all of the files that look like a peice of paper) step 5: once you hilighted all of the files that look like a peice of paper, shrink the window that the minecraft saves folder is in (you know the button next to the X in the top right of the window) also shrink the ZIP file of the map then double click on the name of the map folder in the minecraft saves window step 6: in the minecraft map folder, right click AND HOLD any of the hilighted files and frag them into the with space in the minecraft map folder (MAKE SURE you do not drag them into any of the files that looks like a folder) problem 2: you downloaded and installed the map correctly but for some reason your not in the map your supposed to be in problem 3: (in know theres only 2 but TOO BAD!) you only downloaded it and left it like that step 1: go to your startup menu (if you have windows click the little color thing in the bottom left of the screen) step 2: in the search bar type in "%appdata%" (without the "'s IMPORTANT: type in the percent signs to) step 3: press the ENTER key step 4: double click the .minecraft folder step 5: double click the saves folder step 6: go to your downloads and find the map's ZIP file step 7: open the ZIP file step 8: in the ZIP file of the map, right click and hold then drag the folder IN THE WHITE SPACE in the saves folder (if you don't see the world in your minecraft maps while in the game then read "problem 1" at the top of this answer) PLEASE READ THIS CUZ IT TOOK A LONG TIME TO TYPE!!!!!

What does 8 wooden planks and 1 diamond make in minecraft?

8 wooden planks and 1 diamond makes a jukebox on Minecraft. You can play music discs that you find using this.

How do you change your look in Minecraft?

how to change your charecter in minecraft!!! 1. find a minecraft charecter .png file 2. click start 3. click run 4. type or cut and paste "%appdata%" into run and click OK or enter 5. click minecraft 6. click bin 7. right click the minecraft.rar file and click open with winrar (you mmust have it downloaded) 8. find the mobs folder and open it 9. find the .png file named "char.png" 10. take the .png skin you got earlier and rename it "char" 11. drag and drop it into the mincraft.rar file and click OK on the popup 12. exit all the windows 13. run the game:) p.s if you update you will have to redo this process becouse it re-downloads the original "char.png" file and all the new update files.

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Can Minecraft run on Windows 8?

Yes, I play Minecraft on my Windows 8.

Can minecraft be installed into a windows 8 computer?

Minecraft currently supports: Windows XP - Windows 8. Linux And recently All types of Apple.

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Minecraft does not need to update for it to be compatible with Windows 8

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How you get Minecraft worlds on to Minecraft explorer?

1. click your windows start button 2. type in "%appdata%" without the qoutes 3. find ''.minecraft'' (usually the first one on top) 4. open ''Bin'' 5. open ''saves'' 6. drop the world file into that folder 7. close all the folders 8. open minecraft explorer Hey, I've just received a free Minecraft Giftcode! You can get one too! >> <<

Does Minecraft work with Windows 8?

They announced it on Christmas (2012), so yes.

What do you find windows 8?

You can find the Windows 8 Operating System on the Microsoft's website.

How do you use mods for spore?

1) Download your modification2) If you're on windows go on your start menu, if your on Mac go on your Finder3) Windows: Type in %appdata% . Mac: shift+cmd+G and type in: ~/Library/Application Support/4) Open your minecraft folder or .minecraft for windows5) Go to your bin folder6) Windows: You must have WinRAR (free) Mac: Download The Unarchiver from the app store (free)7) Windows: Right click your minecraft.jar file and open with>WinRAR. | Mac: Right click your minecraft.jar file and open with>The Unarchiver. (IMPORTANT)8) When you extract the minecraft.jar, A folder called "Minecraft" will come up. Rename it into minecraft.jar, and rename the file that you extracted anything else. Example: mine.jar (THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!)9) Open up the FOLDER minecraft.jar and deleteMETA-INF10) When you download your modification, open up the folder. Copy everything (make sure they are .class11) Paste them all in your minecraft.jar (folder)12) Enjoy your mod! :D

Why don't Minecraft mods work on Windows 8 laptops?

Mods do work on Windows 8 laptops, you just most likely aren't installing them correctly

Can you run vista software on windows 8?

The current version of Windows 8 is Windows 8 Consumer Preview.Which is the Beta version of Windows 8. Yes,you can install and run Windows Mail for Windows Vista on Windows 8, just like you can on Windows 7. But to get Windows mail working in Windows 8,you must have the dill file Msidcrl30.dill in order for Windows Mail to work on Windows 8. Msidcrl30.dill is included in both Windows Vista and Windows 7 but it is not included in Windows 8. So first you have to install the dill file on Windows 8 in order to get Windows Mail working. To do this you need to go to either your Windows Vista or Windows 7 computer.Then go to your Windows/system 32 folder on C drive. In the Windows/system 32 folder look for a dill file called Msidcrl30.dill. Then copy and paste the dill file into your My Documents or My Downloads folder. And then make a new folder. Copy and paste the dill file into the new folder you have just made.Then right click with your mouse and select,send to zip folder. This creates a zip installer file. Once you have done this you must copy the Msidcrl30.dill dill file onto your Windows 8 computer. And then unzip the file and open the folder,then paste the dill file in Windows/system32 on Windows 8. Then copy the Windows Mail program files found in Programs on C drive onto Windows 8.The same way you copied the dill file. You can copy the files and dill file from your Windows Vista or Windows 7 computer onto your Windows 8 computer.Using a software like Team Viewer which lets you transfer files from one computer to your other computer. Or you can copy the files using a USB thumb drive. And you can also upload your files onto a file sharing site like Mediafire,then you can just download the files onto your computer. This is very useful if you are away from home and you don't have your other computer with you. And if you upload your files to a file sharing site,you will be given a web link.That you can share with your friends so that they can download the program installer files onto their computer. Then unzip the Windows Mail program file to programs on C drive. Windows Mail is now working on Windows 8.and you can set it as the default program just like you can on Windows 7. Or you could just use the mail client built into Windows 8. :)

How do you press f5 on Windows 8 in minecraft?

The F5 key is above the 5 key.