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Xbox 360 can play DVD's, but not Blurays, and certainly not VHS tapes.

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Q: Can Xbox 360 play movies
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You have an external hardrive and you were wondering if you can play movies from that on your xbox 360 do you need to do something to the movies?

No there is nothing to be done to the movie, the xbox 360 is designed to play movies

Does movies mess up Xbox 360?

No, the Xbox 360 was made to play movies, games, and also music.

Can xbox 360 arcade play movies?

Yes it can play DVD's

How do you watch a DVD on Xbox not Xbox 360?

You need to get an Xbox Remote for the Xbox before you can play DVD movies.

Does the Xbox 360 Elite play HD Movies?

No, the Xbox 360 elite only plays DVDs like all other models of xbox.

What game systems play DVD's?

the Xbox 360 plays movies

Will Star Wars The Clone Wars work for Xbox 360?

Yes xbox can play movies!!! How awsome is that!!

How is the Xbox 360 used today?

it is used to play games,movies,music and people use the xbox 360 to play games on line also you can talk to other players using xbox live.

Can you play a Xbox 360 disc on a Xbox?

NO!!No, But you CAN play xbox games on the xbox 360

Does Xbox 360 play Xbox games?

Yes, Xbox 360 can play Xbox games.

Xbox 360 arcade does it play hd movies?

yes it does it plays any kind of movie

Can the Xbox 360 arcade play Xbox 360 game?

yes it can play any xbox 360 games