can you use Nintendo Wii games in Xbox 360
Kinect is a gaming attachment for the xbox 360. Only kinect games will work of the kinect. You cant use regular xbox 360 games on the kinect.
They will not work on the old Xbox. But if you have a hard drive on your Xbox 360, you can play old Xbox games right on your Xbox 360, and then you can use the Xbox 360 controller to play old Xbox games.
I think the question is "Do you use an original Xbox or Xbox 360 controller when playing original Xbox games on an Xbox 360?" If it is than, you use an Xbox 360 controller. Left Bumper turns into "white button" Right Bumper turns into "black button"
The Xbox 360 can play original Xbox games but the Xbox doesnt play Xbox 360 games.
no but you can use xbox games on the 360
can you use Nintendo Wii games in Xbox 360
you don't need too, you can use xbox games on xbox 360
No you can't
Kinect is a gaming attachment for the xbox 360. Only kinect games will work of the kinect. You cant use regular xbox 360 games on the kinect.
Not at all. However, an Xbox 360 will play some original Xbox games with special downloads.
They will not work on the old Xbox. But if you have a hard drive on your Xbox 360, you can play old Xbox games right on your Xbox 360, and then you can use the Xbox 360 controller to play old Xbox games.
Of course not, what would be the point of making the Xbox 360 then?
Kinect is a gaming attachment for the Xbox 360. Only kinect games will work of the kinect. You cant use regular xbox 360 games on the kinect.
No, you cannot. The "Original" Xbox cannot play Xbox 360 games. However, a list of "original" Xbox games are playable on the 360.
some xbox games are conpatible with xbox 360, here is a link the official xbox website where it tells you what games are conpatible with it.