Charizard cannot learn Sky Attack.
TMMoveTypePowerAccuracyPPTM01Mega PunchNormal8085%20TM03Swords DanceNormal--%30TM05Mega KickNormal12075%5TM06ToxicPoison-85%10TM08Body SlamNormal85100%15TM09Take DownNormal9085%20TM10Double-EdgeNormal100100%15TM15Hyper BeamNormal15090%5TM17SubmissionFighting8080%25TM18CounterFighting-100%20TM19Seismic TossFighting-100%20TM20RageNormal20100%20TM23Dragon RageDragon-100%10TM26EarthquakeGround100100%10TM27FissureGround--%5TM28DigGround100100%10TM31MimicNormal--%10TM32Double TeamNormal--%15TM33ReflectPsychic--%20TM34BideNormal--%10TM38Fire BlastFire12085%5TM39SwiftNormal60-%20TM40Skull BashNormal100100%15TM44RestPsychic--%10TM50SubstituteNormal--%10HM01CutNormal5095%30HM02YFlyFlying7095%15HM04StrengthNormal80100%15
train a charizard, he'll learn it eventually
Charizard can't learn flame wheel
charmeleon evolves at level 36 into charizard then tries to learn wing attack
Use HM2 to teach charizard fly.
The Pokémon that can learn Fly in Yellow are Charizard, Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot, Spearow, Fearow, Farfetch'd, Doduo, Dodrio, Aerodactyl, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, and, if you use a glitch or cheat to obtain it, Mew. However, it should be noted that none of them learn Fly naturally; you need to use HM02 to teach it to them. Also, as a side note, Charizard is only capable of learning Fly in Yellow, not Red and Blue.
train a charizard, he'll learn it eventually
Charizard can't learn flame wheel
charmeleon evolves at level 36 into charizard then tries to learn wing attack
It needs a TM it can't learn it by leveling up I don't know what TM or where unfortunately sorry
I know Charizard can.
wing attack
There is no such move as "Blood Razor," unless it's an attack in a fan-made hack I'm not aware of. Therefore, Charizard can't learn the attack.
Pidgey learns Sand Attack at level 5.
Use HM2 to teach charizard fly.
The Pokémon that can learn Fly in Yellow are Charizard, Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot, Spearow, Fearow, Farfetch'd, Doduo, Dodrio, Aerodactyl, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, and, if you use a glitch or cheat to obtain it, Mew. However, it should be noted that none of them learn Fly naturally; you need to use HM02 to teach it to them. Also, as a side note, Charizard is only capable of learning Fly in Yellow, not Red and Blue.
Charizard learns Heat Wave at start in Pokemon FireRed. In Generation IV, Charizard learns it at level 59. In Platinum, HeartGold and SoulSilver, Charizard can also learn Heat Wave by move tutor.