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Use HM2 to teach charizard fly.

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Q: Charizard learn fly in Pokemon Fire Red?
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What level does Charizard learn Flare Blitz on Pokemon fire red?

I'm 99.999999999...% positive that charizard learns flare blitz at level 66.

What Pokemon can learn thief without a TM on fire red?

My friend has a level 100 charizard that used to know it, if that helps

Is there a regular Charizard on Pokemon Platinum?

no but my friend got fire red and traded a charizard from that into platinum.

How to get a Fire type Pokemon of the sky?

get a charizard from a fire red version or Nintendo wfc

Can you get Charizard on Pokemon platinum?

You migrate it from Fire red or Leaf green

How do you get Charizard in pokemon saphire?

You can trade it from Leaf Green or Fire Red.

What level does Charmeleon evolve into Charizard in Pokemon fire red?

At 36

How do you get Charizard to learn blastburn in Pokemon fire red?

In Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen, an elderly woman on Cape Brink will teach Charizard Blast Burn, the Pokémon must have a very high happiness rating.

What move does Charizard learn till lvl 100 in fire red?


Does Arcanine learn blast burn in fire red?

it cant learn blast burn only charizard can

Can you get a Charizard in Pokemon diamond without migrating?

No, charizard only appears as a starter in the fire red and leaf green games