I'm 99.999999999...% positive that charizard learns flare blitz at level 66.
My friend has a level 100 charizard that used to know it, if that helps
At 36
After beating the Elite Four, go to a Pokemon Center and Trade a Charizard from Fire Red. you can get a Typhlosion by collecting 200 types of Pokemon then going to prof. birch :)
I'm 99.999999999...% positive that charizard learns flare blitz at level 66.
My friend has a level 100 charizard that used to know it, if that helps
no but my friend got fire red and traded a charizard from that into platinum.
get a charizard from a fire red version or Nintendo wfc
You migrate it from Fire red or Leaf green
You can trade it from Leaf Green or Fire Red.
At 36
In Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen, an elderly woman on Cape Brink will teach Charizard Blast Burn, the Pokémon must have a very high happiness rating.
it cant learn blast burn only charizard can
No, charizard only appears as a starter in the fire red and leaf green games