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Charizard learns Heat Wave at start in Pokemon FireRed. In Generation IV, Charizard learns it at level 59. In Platinum, HeartGold and SoulSilver, Charizard can also learn Heat Wave by move tutor.

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Q: What level does Charizard learn Heat Wave in Pokemon FireRed?
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it shud be around level 50 or over and shud really like u and in fire red only charizard or typhlosion or blaziken can learn it.

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There really isn't a strongest. For that all depends on the stats, level, and of course moves. Charizard is a good fire pokemon, but so is Arcanine!

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What level does Charizard learn Heat Wave in Pokemon Platinum?

definitely not 127

Where can you get flame thrower TM in Pokemon FireRed?

you go to the game corner in celadon and buy it or level up a charizard

What level does Charizard get a new move after level 37?

It depends what version of Pokemon you are playing. Diamond and Pearl: After level 36 Charizard will learn the move Flamethrower at level 42. Gold, Silver and Crystal versions: After level 36 Charizard will learn the move Slash at level 44.

What level does Charizard learn Flare Blitz on Pokemon fire red?

I'm 99.999999999...% positive that charizard learns flare blitz at level 66.

Is there a way to make all your Pokemon lvl100 on firered?

Yes, you train them my charizard got level 100 last night