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Q: Are there any good minecraft servers?
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Any good servers for Minecraft 1.6.6?

No, there is not any good servers for Minecraft 1.6.6. In fact, there are no more 1.6.6 servers at all. There are only updated servers. My recamendation is for you to update minecraft. All of the servers, or the most active, always update.

Is there any really good minecraft faction servers looking for an admin?

try searching minecraft sites. not basic information sites.

Are their any minecraft servers that have skyblock with nether enabled that are cracked?

Yes. There are minecraft servers that have skyblock with nether enabled that are cracked.

What Are Good Minecraft Servers For Build Battles?


Are there any dating Minecraft severs?

No there isn't any dating servers

What are some good Minecraft servers?

To find good Minecraft servers check out "Planet Minecraft" is you look under "Servers" you can hit "Top rated!" for the best of the best. But I personally recommend PabiCarft. It is the only server I ever play on. The ip is: its website is:

What are good Minecraft survival servers?

Check on websites such as planet minecraft or other sources to find the latest survival servers that have been pinged and work.

Are there any creative Minecraft servers with no bukkit or anti-grief?


Are the any minecraft cracked servers with free op?


Is there any servers for minecraft that give you free op?


Are there any minecraft servers with only EE2 and IC2?

no i havent found any

Who hosts Minecraft?

if you mean minecraft servers well they are hosted by different people any one can host a minecraft server.