I got a mix of common, unusual, and rare fish from my rare eggs. Common eggs only had common breeds and fin types. Unusual eggs only had unusual breeds and fin types. But rare eggs gave me a mix of all 3.
Rotom can lay Pokémon Eggs of Rotom because it's not a Legendary and it's not exceptionally rare like Unown is. However Rotom can only breed with Ditto due to its genderless natures.
He is definetly rare. As rare as he can be.
yes pretty rare but not as rare as lucario
In the USA, they are pretty rare, but in other countries, they are not too rare.
Because I had them for breakfast. I eat eggs daily. I like them scrambled rare, sort of rare ;)
I got a mix of common, unusual, and rare fish from my rare eggs. Common eggs only had common breeds and fin types. Unusual eggs only had unusual breeds and fin types. But rare eggs gave me a mix of all 3.
Double yolk eggs are relatively rare, occurring in about 1 in every 1000 eggs laid by hens.
It depends on the shelter. Though most are safe for anything but an EF5 tornado, which is extremely rare.
Raw eggs could contain Salmonella, but it is relatively rare.
talk to lots of people and they give you eggs
Salmonella can be found in both chicken and eggs, although the incidence is more rare in eggs.
It is possible 2 eggs could release from one follicle but rare!
They have very rare eggs laying inside their small intestine. The eggs are used for ivory.
no rare Pokemon don't have a gender so they cant have eggs
nope, its not. ps, i love corn