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It is possible 2 eggs could release from one follicle but rare!

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Q: Can a follicle release two eggs in one cycle?
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Is there any chance of pregnancy after no dominant follicle seen?

Yes, although the odds are lower. A dominant follicle is a single follicle with a maturing oocyte in it that is much larger than all the other follicles that started to develop in this cycle. The dominant follicle is the one that will eventually rupture and release a fertile oocyte, so not having a dominant follicle means the cycle is more likely to not be a fertile cycle.

Is ovulation still possible with an abnormal period?

Can I ovulate more than once a cycle? Answer: No. You ovulate once a cycle and typically release one egg. But the best way to think of ovulation is as an event that takes place over 24 hours. During that time you can release one or more eggs, which explains, for example, fraternal twins. Here's how it works: Every cycle, about 15 to 20 eggs start to mature in each ovary. Each egg is encased in its own fluid-filled sac, or follicle. A race begins for one of these follicles to become the largest. Ovulation eventually occurs when one ovary releases an egg from the most dominant follicle.

How many eggs do a woman release during a cycle?

Normally, the average woman releases one egg per cycle.

Do both ovaries release eggs each cycle?

First ripe, first released. The release of the hormone progesterone, (I believe--somebody check me on that) stops the second follicle from ripening. Rarely, it does happen that 2 eggs are released simultaneously.

How many eggs do human females usually release each menstrual cycle?

Your ovaries release one egg per month

How many eggs does a woman normally release every menstrual cycle?

Normally, a woman normally releases ONE egg per menstrual cycle. On occasion, a woman will release two, which would result in fraternal twins if both eggs are fertilized.

What hormone stimulates the development of a follicle in the ovary?

Leutinizing hormone (LH) is the hormone that stimulates a follicle to develop a mature egg. LH and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) work together to regulate egg production and ovulation in females.

Can ripe follicles in a woman be tracked by sonar?

Yes. You can do daily ultrasound examination from the tenth day of your cycle. You can visualize the follicle in one of the ovaries. It may get to the size of 22 to 24 mm and next day it is not visualized. That means the follicle has ruptured to release the ovum. You can get pregnancy by having contact on the day of ovulation.

What is the hormone that is given to women to stimulate the release of eggs?

FSH Follicle Stimulating Hormone It encourages the ovary to produce ripe egg cells from the egg follicles. Pound for pound its one of the most expensive substances on earth.

What gland produces the egg cells and and hormones?

The hypothalamus in the brain releases Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone to the pituitary gland, located in your brain behind the eyes. The pituitary gland releases Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH), which go to the ovaries. FSH stimulates the selection of an egg from the ovary, and a surge of LH release stimulates the release of the egg for fertilzation. In the ovary, Theca cells release Testosterone which travels to nearby Granulosa cells which convert the testosterone to estrogen. Theca cells also make progesterone, which is necessary for growing the endometrium, which is what bleeds during the menstrual cycle.

What are sign of Ovarian follicle atresia?

An ovarian follicle atresia is a process in which immature ovarian follicles physically decline. Roughly 20 ovarian follicles mature every month but only one of them is ovulated and the rest go through the process of atresia. As such, there is no specific sign of ovarian follicle atresia as it is a natural process in the female reproductive cycle.

FSH has two functions?

One of the functions of FSH in the menstrual cycle is for development of the primary follicle during the first few days of the menstrual cycle, and there is a small peak of this hormone between approximately days 1-6. As oestrogen levels increase (oestrogen is secreted by the theca interna of the secondary oocyte) this feeds back negatively, thus decreasing the level of FSH until approximately day 12. Oestrogen levels reach a peak between days 11 and 12, and then start to decline. As levels of oestrogen decline, FSH levels start to increase once more, and there is a small peak of FSH on day 14 when ovulation occurs. FSH is responsible also for the choice of the dominant follicle; a woman has many follicles, but only one (or 2 if there are dizygotic twins) will mature. This appears to depend on the number of FSH recpetors on the surface of the follicle, i.e the follicle that has most receptors will be the one which matures. To answer your question, then, I would say that the 2 main functions of FSH in the menstrual cycle are: 1) The initiation of follicular development, and general development of the primary follicle 2) Choice of the dominant follicle, i.e the follicle which will be ovulated. I hope that helps: I am currently trying to answer the same question, and struggled to find a second function of FSH other than the initiation of follicular development!