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Normally, a woman normally releases ONE egg per menstrual cycle. On occasion, a woman will release two, which would result in fraternal twins if both eggs are fertilized.

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Q: How many eggs does a woman normally release every menstrual cycle?
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How often is a women menstrual cycle?

A typical menstrual cycle is around 28 days, but it can range from 21 to 35 days. Each menstrual cycle includes the shedding of the uterine lining and the release of an egg for possible fertilization.

Is it normal to have a 27 day menstrual cycle when it is normally a 28 day or 30 day cycle?

Oh God! A 30 day cycle? it's only supposed to last a week every month.

When does a woman have her menstrual flow?

A woman has her menstrual flow during menstruation, which is at the start of her menstrual cycle. The typical menstrual cycle is around 28 days, meaning she should menstruate roughly every month.

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The menstrual cycle is the entire reproductive cycle, I think that you mean menstruation/period. Gymnasts do the same as every other girl, just use a pad, tampon, or menstrual cup.

Does the menstrual cycle happen every month?

Yes, the menstrual cycle typically occurs every month in women of reproductive age. It involves the shedding of the uterine lining (menstruation) and the release of an egg from the ovary (ovulation), preparing the body for a potential pregnancy.

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In every way in the book!

When is the regular discharge of blood and menstrual tissue expected to occur during the menstrual cycle?

The regular discharge of blood and menstrual tissue is expected to occur approximately every 28 days during the menstrual cycle.

Did lesbians get periods every month?

Orientation has nothing to do with menstrual cycle.

Why a women period is coming before 5 days every- time?

Each woman's menstrual cycle is of a different duration - it is a complex balance of hormones and ovulation. The average woman's menstrual cycle is of 28 days. If your periods come 5 days earlier every time, your menstrual cycle is 25 days long.

Can puppies have a menstrual cycle?

Only females over 6 months of age will have a menstrual cycle. This will happen once every six months and last for 10-14 days.

Why would menstrual cycle of five days go down to three?

Your menstrual cycle is the entire reproductive cycle including ovulation and menstruation - I think you mean menstruation of five days, not menstrual cycle. Menstruation will vary from one cycle to the next, the explanation is no more complex then that your body is not a machine so it will never have the exact same cycle every single time.