I got a mix of common, unusual, and rare fish from my rare eggs. Common eggs only had common breeds and fin types. Unusual eggs only had unusual breeds and fin types. But rare eggs gave me a mix of all 3.
It takes about 30-32 for it to become an adult.........but rare fish might take longer
You have to buy them with real money, so yes.
You'll need to fish on Route 44; it is rare to find.
Be a level ten fisherman and go to the graveyard. Fish there. It is a very rare fish so it may take a while. Hope it helped A.Helpful Person
fish save get shells from the beach and donate rare fish to museum and put moey i acc
It takes about 30-32 for it to become an adult.........but rare fish might take longer
Way to long. I sold like all my adult fish so i would have enough and then it took too long all my rare babies died :(
Shad primarily eat plankton. They will also eat fish eggs and small shrimp. On rare occasions, they will also eat small fish.
Caviar is made from fish eggs, usually. In places like France, England or Australia it's made from frog eggs too, but it's really up to where you get it from. The price is different too, Fish Eggs = $19.50 (fish type: common - Lucassa Muntog) Frog Eggs = $22.00 (frog type: rare - Nocci Underwater)
No, bird feces generally do not contain fish eggs. Fish eggs need specific conditions to hatch and develop, typically in water bodies that already have established fish populations. It's rare for fish eggs to be transported from one location to another via bird feces.
well, to breed a rare nice fish on fish with attitude you need a crazy fish (nice and mean) and a shy fish (just shy.) you can get a lot of different answers: gossip fish, shy fish, nice fish, rare nice fish, rare shy fish, rare crazy fish, rare gossip fish orcrazy fish. the rare fish will probobly not happen. the crazy and shy fish are most common.
To get all 7 breeds of magic fish in Fish Tycoon, you need to breed and crossbreed different fish species to discover rare magic fish. Focus on breeding fish with the "magic" gene and experiment with different combinations until you unlock all 7 breeds. Additionally, ensure you provide the right environment, food, and care for your fish to help them thrive and reveal their magical traits.
Fish as a rule aren't big at parental concern. usually the eggs are laid, then fertilized, then ignored. A rare few will guard the eggs until they hatch, but that's about it.
Because I had them for breakfast. I eat eggs daily. I like them scrambled rare, sort of rare ;)
Most fish use external reproduction, where eggs released by the female are fertilized by the male outside of their bodies. The fertilized eggs develop into larvae and eventually hatch as juvenile fish. Internal reproduction, where fertilization occurs inside the female's body, is rare among fish species.
yes all types of turtles can lay eggs but the most common turtle to lay eggs is the fish turtle that is very rare but can be found by the carribean islands. it is know that only 312 have been recorded to date.
You can catch fish all year round, it depends what kind of fish you are hoping to catch. My favourite time is summer because that is when all the sharks come and a lot of the rare fish.