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You'll need to fish on Route 44; it is rare to find.

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Q: Where is remoraid in Pokemon Crystal?
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Can you catch Remoraid in Pokemon Crystal version?


Where can you catch Remoraid in Pokemon Crystal version?

it's impossible to get remoraid. trade it from gold or silver.

How do you get octillery in Pokemon Crystal?

You'll need to evolve it from Remoraid at level 25.

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No Girafarig Isn't Available In Pokémon Crystal Just Like Vulpix Mareep Remoraid Octillery And Mankey

What is a remoraid in Pokemon diamond?

Remoraid is a pokemon(water type)

How do you catch octillery in Pokemon Crystal?

You must catch Remoraid first by fishing in Route 44 and then evolve it at level 25.

What type is remoraid?

Remoraid is a water type Pokemon

What is the evolve of remoraid in Pokemon emerald?

remoraid will evolve into octillery at level 25.

What level does remoraid evolve in Pokemon white?

Remoraid evolves into Octillery at Level 25.

Where can you find a remoraid on Pokemon platnium?

== == == ==

How do you catch remoraid in firered?

Remoraid is a Water type Pokemon that evolves into Octillery at level 25. Remoraid is not available for capture in Pokemon Fire Red and must be traded over from another game.

What is the national pokedex number for Remoraid?

Remoraid is #223 in the national pokedex, and it is a Water type Pokemon.