After beating red, challenge the elite 4. After beating them, red will reappear.
no where he stays there and you can go battle him again any time you want to level your Pokemon 2 100
easy win the battle with the red garados the go 2 the red haired boy with the dragonite then go with him 2 the souvenir shop in mahogang town then beat team rocket and then go to the mahogang town gym and then beat the gym leader he uses ice type Pokemon he is really powerful
yes, go to a Pokemon center and go right, there will be two people standing in front of two pathways. talk to one and you can trade. talk to the other and you can battle. P.S. you have to have a link cable
before battle press start and go to options and it should say battle style then change it to shift that should work :)
You go to the Lake of Rage although you have to battle a lot of trainers to get there and if you go through the little building Team Rocket will charge you $1000 just to go through it.
There is no Battle Frontier in Red Version.
Go to the battle frontier then go to the right the battle palace is the wide red building.
you don't first you talk to blue at cinnabar. then you go to Viridian and battle him at the gym then you go battle red at mt. silver.
you go to the top of the sky tower
if you go to the top you can battle master trainer red, and if you go to the bottom you can catch moltres
you need to go to the island south of pallet town he wll be there talk to him and there you go
You haft to get all eight badges of kanto , then go see pro.oak and he will say that he will make arragments for you to go to mt.Silver. You go to the entrance of victory road go to the left and there will be a door there you go through a short route then you go into a cave. When you get to the top there will be Red and he will want to battle you and his Pokemon are in the 80's
to battle with the red gyarados you need surf and when you get to it talk to it..and gyarados is level 30 and very had to catch ,but, it will be your only oppertunity to catch one
go to mount silver and walk until you reach a trainer. he is red. he will say...... then battle you.
You can't battle him. But if you go to Silph Co. after defeating Red, you might see him there.
Go on the ss.annie go on the 2nd floor and go round to the 2nd stair case and your rivelwill apear battle him and go up the stair case the talk to the captin
You can go to Mt. Silver, which Professor Oak gives you permission to go to. Then you can battle Red.