easy win the battle with the red garados the go 2 the red haired boy with the dragonite then go with him 2 the souvenir shop in mahogang town then beat team rocket and then go to the mahogang town gym and then beat the gym leader he uses ice type Pokemon he is really powerful
u go to the top of the gym and turn off the waterfall and challenge him.
yes it is in Azalea, but you have to save the slowpokewell before battle the gym leader
Gary isnt a gym leader
use surf to get to seafoams islands go up the ladder and battle to the gym leader
you must go to the uppermost middle and press a to the lever so the waterfall will be gone and you can battle the gym leader!!!
He is the gym leader Viridian city
u go to the top of the gym and turn off the waterfall and challenge him.
yes it is in Azalea, but you have to save the slowpokewell before battle the gym leader
The ice gym leader
Gary isnt a gym leader
there will be a secret door at olivines lighthouse and it will take you to jasmine then go back to the gym then jasmine will battle you
his name is morty and he's in Ecruteak city
The fourth gym leader in Pokemon Soul Silver is in Ecruteak City.
use surf to get to seafoams islands go up the ladder and battle to the gym leader
Blue (The eighth gym leader) is waiting on Cinnabar. He won't battle you unless you've beat the rest of the gym leaders
in his gym