Because his dad Jeremy calls himself LordRauhl, after a show, so Justin called himself Kidrauhl. <3
Justin Bieber's ONLY official Youtube accounts are kidrauhl and justinbieber. His music companies operate JustinBieberVEVO and JustinBieberMusic. ALL other channels purported to be Justin's are FAKE.... Justin Bieber also had an account called: aboyinabox for a very short period of time and he then gave that account away in a competition to a lucky subscriber who's account I believe was called: EminemCleanVersions
No, Justin Bieber's movie is not called the Roomate. It is called "Never Say Never"
yes there is a store called Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber....or he has a song called exactly that!
Kidrauhl is justin bieber's youtube channel name
Jeremy Bieber, Justin's dad, called him self "LordRauhl" from a main character in a book. So justin is called "KidRauhl" because hes Jeremys son.
maybe because kids rule
Kidrauhl and The Biebs.
It's on kidrauhl.
Justin Bieber's background singers are a small group called LEGACI, (Pronounced "Legacy") You can see this (very amusing) video uploaded by Justin Bieber (kidrauhl) where he shows his celebrity playlist. ^.^ xoxo, Bieber13 ;);):)
Justin Bieber kidrauhl becuz his father is @Lordrauhl so he just did it kid becuz he is a kid and @kidrauhl I have him in my FB
www.justinbiebermusic.comwell, his youtube channel name is kidrauhl and/or justinbieber
It was youtube on Justin's facebook page, "Kidrauhl"
The videos are on his youtube account kidrauhl
He was 12 years old and his user name is kidrauhl :)
Justin Bieber's ONLY official Youtube accounts are kidrauhl and justinbieber. His music companies operate JustinBieberVEVO and JustinBieberMusic. ALL other channels claiming to be Justin's are not really his. kidrauhl was his original account before he became famous, and he still uses it today.To access Justin Bieber's official fan YouTube account, click on either of the related links below.