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Short answer, "yes."

Long answer: Yes and no. In the books, Edward's protective attitude towards Bella brings unnecessary harm and turmoil. As the character often points out himself, had he left her alone, she would be far safer.

However, the problem with the characters is that you can't apply simple human terms to what is going on in the story. It's not a simple love story about two races meeting and finding an understanding. In fact, "overprotective" probably isn't a good word to describe the way that Edward acts around Bella. Edward constantly puts himself between Bella and danger, as well as Bella and other things he doesn't deem right for her. His actions are more "possessive" than "protective," and it shows if you look into the work.

Edward admitted that he could not give up on Bella, and that if he could not have her, he would rather die (as shown by his trip to Italy). The behavior is typically seen in stalkers, though he managed to avoid the stereotypical "If I can't have you, no one can!" and left Bella alive before his attempted suicide. There is also the fact that Edward tried to limit Bella's interaction with people he deemed "unfavorable" or "unsafe" for her. His actions may look like he is being overprotective, but it seems to be more of a "protecting what's mine" situation.

Of course, Bella doesn't really help his overprotective/possessive conflicts. She is either trying to stay as close to him as possible, or trying to rebel to see other people. She cant make up her mind about what she wants, and comes across as a victim of Stockholm Syndrome that is still conflicted about remaining with the abuser/keeper.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

She loves Them both But it will always be Edward but dont worry Jacob finds his Soulmate

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Yes, this is true.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

because Bella and Edward are in love

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Q: Why is Edward meant for Bella and not Jacob?
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