Because she makes Edward happier than he has been his whole life and they are glad to see that. Also they like her, all of them except Rosalie, that is (though Rosalie begins to like her more in Breaking Dawn). god people obbsessed much???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ________________________________________________________________ When Bella sends Alice emails in new moon, she sends them to
The volturi want to fight the Cullen family because of renesmee ( daughter of Bella and edward ) also because Bella is not a vampire and she knows to much about vampires. hope this helps x
Edward left the school because of Bella's smell and he went to Alaska. Edward was overcome by Bella's scent, as he had never smelt something which appealed so much to him before. He wanted to kill her for her blood because it smelt so appealing, but he didn't want to reveal his family's secret or disappoint his family, especially Esme and Carlisle. He went to Denali, Alaska to stay with Tanya's coven, but then he decided "Why should I leave my family for one insignificant human girl?" and so he came back, having worked out that if he fed before he saw Bella, he didnt want to hurt her as much.
Decode by Paramore I personally think that This Is For Keeps by The Spill Canvas would have been much better, but it isn't the one chosen, it isn't even in the movie actually.
In Twilight (the first book) he thinks that he loves her, but... No, Jacob is in love with Renesme, with whom he imprinted with in Breaking Dawn. Sorry for all of you who have not read it and who have had the book just ruined for you. Its your own fault, you asked the question, not me. HA! Yeah, he starts loving her in new moon and eclipse and then in breaking dawn falls in love with her and Edwards baby ( Renesme) named after her vampire mom Esme and her human mom renee'. He is in love with her through the second and third book, he even gets Bella to realize that somehow she is in love with him too. but in breaking dawn he imprints on renesme.
No Alice thought that Bella would be killed during her pregnancy by her unborn child. Since Jacob was around so much, he clouded Alice's powers and she couldn't see Bella's future.
Yes infact they do In New Moon Alice goes back to see Bellaand every time Alice has to go out Alice kisses Bella on the Cheek. I love the movie Twilight so much
Mostly he fought with Rosalie and Jasper because they wanted to kill Bella the night after the accident and Alice pretty much saved Bella by saying that her and Edward loved Bella or atleast they would
Because he never LOVED anyone - sure he loves his family ~ Alice, Esme, Carlisle, Emmett. . . . but he never loved anyone as much as he loved Bella before they met.
when he goes to check if she's still alive its not the Cullen's house its Bella's and its only Alice in the house and he said he loves her that much he doesn't care as long as she is save so nothing happens too him
Bella, and pretty much his family i guess
Bella, and pretty much his family i guess
Bella, and pretty much his family i guess
It actually doesn't show much of her, but when Alice first meets Bella, she is a little bit too welcoming, like in the book.
Edward and Bella are the main characters. there is the Cullen family, but the story is about the love life of both Edward and Bella, and not much else.
If you read Midnight Sun you get Edwards perspective and Jasper and Rosalie don't want her to find out because Rose doesn't want to move and Jasper is scared she might tell people. Alice, Carlise, Esme, and Emmett don't care to much Alice whants to be her friend Emmet is kinda on Rose's side just cause its Rose and Jasper wont kill her because it would hurt Alice and oh and Esme is excited god people obbsessed much???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ________________________________________________________________ When Bella sends Alice emails in new moon, she sends them to