She gets them for free but when Jacob fixes them it is unknown how much she spent from her college fund.
nothing. charlie got it for her as a home coming gift.
how much money women get pay
as much as they did
yes you have to pay
The Director of NCIS is a SES Tier 3 Civil Servant with pay capped at 179,000.00
She Didn't Pay Nothing She Got Them For Free Because The Guy Who Was Selling Them Was Her Friend.
In the New Moon book, Bella, on an impulse, gets two motorcycles that had a for sale sign on them. When she went to find out how much they were selling for, the kid who answered the door told her to take them.Bella drove the motorcycles out to La Push to Jacob Black's house. She told Jacob if he fixed the motorcycles he could have one...with some riding lessons for Bella as part of the deal. Jacob was thrilled with the prospects she offered. He would end up with a Harley Sprint motorcycle, he would spend more time with Bella, and Bella would pay for any parts the bikes needed.I believe this answers this question.
how much do u have to pay to be a doctor
Bella got those motorcycles for free. She was driving by Russell ave., by the Marks family home (she goes to school with two of their sons) and she saw that they left two "un-repairable" bikes out front to throw out. She then decided to knock on their door and ask the price. One of their sons told her to just take it when she asked for it, because she knew Jacob could fix it for her. Etc.
It depends on how you pay and what you drive. The standard toll for a regular passenger vehicle paying cash is $13 and motorcycles pay $12.
nothing. charlie got it for her as a home coming gift.
you don't have to pay any money unless you want to have a membership
You pay for the drugs not you pay for having them retard
500,000! Be a lion tammer!