god people obbsessed much???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When Bella sends Alice emails in new moon, she sends them to
it is gray........on Alice it is gray........on Alice it is gray........on Alice
Yes edward ,alice, emmett,jasper,roslie are all adopted
In Breaking Dawn, Alice forsees that the Cullens best chance of survival is if she and Jasper leave to search for another vampire-human hybrid. However, they had to keep it a secret from the rest of the Cullens so they wouldn't alert the Volturi.
well i don't want to be a huge spoiler but in breaking dawn edward, Bella, and Alice graduate
Alice and Edward are juniors in Twilight then seniors in New Moon. Emmet, Rosile, and Jasper in Twilight are seniors.
omg stalker.
that is completely inconsequential, so it is not said.
Alice and Jasper joined the Cullens in 1950.
As much as you think Alice Cullen is real, she is not. So how could she have an email address. See, in the book, there are vampires and werewolves. Those are not real. The only things of those that are real are vampire bats and wolves. I like Twilight, too, I really do. But the email you should be asking for should be her character's email adress. Not Alice Cullen
Mary Alice Brandon Cullen.
Mary Alice Brandon idiot!!!! You said it in the freaking question!!!!!!!!! Get an IQ
it is gray........on Alice it is gray........on Alice it is gray........on Alice
pink :)
Alice found jasper (because of her special gift of visions/second sight) and they both went to the Cullens together because Alice had seen it them go in one of her visions. Your right but, Eward were the first teenager who joined the cullens
Er... one would assume that Alice Cullen's name is ... Alice Cullen?
Alice's sister's name is Cynthia Brandon