ac transmission are used because we easily step up the voltage as per our requirment and also breaker used for ac break the ac current easily bcs of nature of zero current at every cycle
but for long distance transmission done by dc due to reducing the skin effect and also reduce the relative inductance of the line due to this the line losses are reduce and we transmit the more power.
AC/DC are from Sydney, Australia.
ac/dc started up with Bon Scott in 1967
Most people think that you spell AC DC like A-C-D-C. But really, the abbreviation is spelled A-C-Lightning bolt-D-C. It's a common mistake. LOL. |{.|{. That's all.
a lot
The band formed in Syney Austailia
An AC-DC converter you can operate a device on AC instead of batteries. ~bobbyjack~ : D
AC is easier and cheaper to send from the generators to the consumers than DC is.
DC is used for extra-high voltage transmission systems, as there are less losses with DC than with AC, and no synchronising problems.
Yes, the theorem still applies for AC.
The number of Joules (energy) is the same as dc provided the RMS values of the ac quantities are used.
Toyota uses AC motors, Honda uses DC motors. It varies with design goals.
Yes, by using a dynamo (which produces d.c.) instead of an alternator.
AC voltage is more sufficient than DC voltage. Moreover, an AC transformer can be developed but DC voltage will make it harder. Without a transformer, we cannot turn the high and low voltaged into each-other.
A typical AC waveform is symmetrical about a zero crossing point. You can bias the AC with DC such that the AC waveform is symmetrical about the DC voltage.
formula for ac to dc
The difference AC and DC grounding is that AC is alternate current and DC is direct current. Grounding for both AC and DC is the same.
For some equipment it doesn't matter, other types of equipment will be destroyed. For a simple electric heater or an incandescent bulb AC or DC are acceptable, provided the rms voltage of the AC is equal to the DC voltage. If the heater has a time switch, DC is unacceptable. A DC motor may or may not work with AC depending on its type and size. The commutator motor as used in vacuum cleaners is essentially a DC motor, but most types of AC motor are not interchangeable to DC. Electronic circuits usually required a DC supply and if AC is applied many of the components will be destroyed.