AC/DC are from Sydney, Australia.
The AC-130 has three cannons, a 25mm, a 40mm, and a 105mm.
Although it is often claimed to mean 'Service in peace and war', actually it should translate as: 'peace and also war are just' (are right, deserved, of value etc.) For 'merita' to translate as 'good service' it would be at the start of the sentence as: "Merita in pace ac bello" in a similar manner to 'requiescat in pace'
Most people think that you spell AC DC like A-C-D-C. But really, the abbreviation is spelled A-C-Lightning bolt-D-C. It's a common mistake. LOL. |{.|{. That's all.
ac transmission are used because we easily step up the voltage as per our requirment and also breaker used for ac break the ac current easily bcs of nature of zero current at every cycle but for long distance transmission done by dc due to reducing the skin effect and also reduce the relative inductance of the line due to this the line losses are reduce and we transmit the more power.
black ice
There is not a Blood Group AC. There is A,B,AB and O.
AC/DC's first official gig was in Sydney, Australia, on new years eve in 1973
AC Cars Group LTD. is a British Automobile Manufacturer.
Need make, model and year of car.
The AC will start working effectively immediately after changing the air filter.
His ac motor was made in 1888.
AC runs on the battery. If the car is off and you run the AC, then start the car, it will stall.
The AC on an AC Cobra stands for Auto Carriers. AC Cars Group Ltd. was formally known as Auto Carriers Ltd. They are a British specialist automobile manufacturer.
Some AC motors are designed to start running as soon as electricity is provided. Other AC motors are designed for a specific purpose and do not start on AC current. They will RUN on AC, but require a DC current to start. Here's where the capacitor comes in. It stores DC power that, when released, starts the motor turning. At this point, AC current will nicely run the motor.
Some AC motors are designed to start running as soon as electricity is provided. Other AC motors are designed for a specific purpose and do not start on AC current. They will RUN on AC, but require a DC current to start. Here's where the capacitor comes in. It stores DC power that, when released, starts the motor turning. At this point, AC current will nicely run the motor.