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ac/dc started up with Bon Scott in 1967

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Q: What year did ac DC's group start?
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What was Ac Dcs first us no1 album?

black ice

What is blood group AC?

There is not a Blood Group AC. There is A,B,AB and O.

When did ACDC start playing as a group?

AC/DC's first official gig was in Sydney, Australia, on new years eve in 1973

What does ac stand for in ac cobra?

AC Cars Group LTD. is a British Automobile Manufacturer.

No power to heater fan fuses are ok heater works and ac where do you start to look for the problem?

Need make, model and year of car.

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How long after changing the air filter will the AC start working effectively?

The AC will start working effectively immediately after changing the air filter.

What year did Tesla invent the ac motor?

His ac motor was made in 1888.

What would cause a vehicle to stall when running the ac?

AC runs on the battery. If the car is off and you run the AC, then start the car, it will stall.

What does A C stand for in ac cobra?

The AC on an AC Cobra stands for Auto Carriers. AC Cars Group Ltd. was formally known as Auto Carriers Ltd. They are a British specialist automobile manufacturer.

Why do we use capacitors on fan blower motors?

Some AC motors are designed to start running as soon as electricity is provided. Other AC motors are designed for a specific purpose and do not start on AC current. They will RUN on AC, but require a DC current to start. Here's where the capacitor comes in. It stores DC power that, when released, starts the motor turning. At this point, AC current will nicely run the motor.

Why do we use capacitor on fan motor or blowers?

Some AC motors are designed to start running as soon as electricity is provided. Other AC motors are designed for a specific purpose and do not start on AC current. They will RUN on AC, but require a DC current to start. Here's where the capacitor comes in. It stores DC power that, when released, starts the motor turning. At this point, AC current will nicely run the motor.