Bullets are not likely to do you any good. You can not reload rimfire ammunition. You need to search for loaded ammunition.
Silver bullets
A shot gun wedding.
The cast of 32 Bullets to Paris - 2011 includes: Genevieve Butler as Nelly Brent Dunner as Waistcoat Bryce Padovan as Duster
there is a predator missle which is a single one hit area kill, ac130 gunships that shoot shells and minigun bullets down from above,
the ac130 already has infinite ammo.
You get it by using the AC130 killstreak 10 or so times.
Im not sure what you mean but you can use a ac130 to get a nuke if you have them on your kill streak selections.
AC130 appears to be a type of weapon or aircraft or something, not a laptop. A lot of Modern Warfare Three websites talk about the AC130, and all there is is discussion about laptop skins, not the actual laptop.
i like ac130 because you can change what type of gun your shooting Chopper Gunner is good for maps that are full of hiding spots, since it will hover around enemies, giving you shots. The AC130 will not do this. However, on big maps like Wasteland, the AC130 is better.
You don't... you only use a few predator missiles. You use ac130 in special ops though.
You need to get "specre VII" I think that's like 1000 AC130 kills, when you get the gloden AC130 title you also get the spinning 10th prestige emblem from modern warfare one.
Get 25 AC-130s