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Get 25 AC-130s

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Q: How do you get the AC130 emblem in MW2?
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What is the first moving emblem in mw2?

UAV is the first moving killstreak; on the page with the moving emblems, AC130 comes first.

How do you unlock the gold skulls ac130 title mw2?

You need to get "specre VII" I think that's like 1000 AC130 kills, when you get the gloden AC130 title you also get the spinning 10th prestige emblem from modern warfare one.

How do you get the ac130 moving emblem?

You get it by using the AC130 killstreak 10 or so times.

When do you get to use a ac130 in campaign in mw2?

You don't... you only use a few predator missiles. You use ac130 in special ops though.

How many nukes do you have to get to have the nuke emblem on mw2?

To get the mw2 nuke emblem you have to get 10 nukes OVER 9000 joke, 10

How do you get the MW2 spinning tenth prestige embelem?

To get the gold cross emblem from COD4 its 1,000 kills with an AC130 but the MW2 10th is unexplained by IW and has never been leaked since IW will not say. People will say it is from completing all challenges, however that is not true. The rumor is you need to find and complete a secret challenge to earn it.

Mw2 what should you unlock ac130 or emergency airdrop?

Depends if you can kill more people in one go.. but i went for the AC130 that's my best killstreak :) 11 kills with hardline 10 kills

How do you unlock the intervention emblem on mw2?

get 2500 headshots

How do you get the precision air strike emblem on MW2?


What kill streak do you have to get to get a nuke on mw2?

7: Harrier 11: Chopper/Ac130 25: Nuke Are u ps3 or xbox?

How do you unlock the rhino emblem on mw2?

There is no rhino emblem. Unless you are talking about the Ghost emblem, in that case it would be reaching 10th Prestige.

How do you unlock the harriers emblem in MW2 for ps3?

call in 25