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Tom Springfield, brother of Dusty Springfield.

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Q: Who wrote I'll Never Find Another You?
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Who wrote the song ill never let you go Justin Bieber?

Yes Justin Bieber wrote the song, "Never Let You Go".

Did Justin Bieber write ill never let you go?

Yes. He did not steal it from anyone. It's an original song, he wrote, called Never Let You Go. He wrote it for his ex-girlfriend Caitlin Beadles. They remain very good friends, but they broke up due to Justin going on tour. He wrote it to tell her that he will always remember her and never forget her. It's sweet :)

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A dice has 21 spots (pips) but is never ill.

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Malice is a feeling of ill will. Hatred is another feeling of ill will toward another person.

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idk i really got to find out for homework ill never find the RIGHT! answer on ANSWERS.COM this website STINKS!

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Author Will Savive

Why was Apollo never ill?

====== ====== He was a god! Gods never get sick!

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Do you mean ill fated? Unlucky.

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well to be honest i have never been to Argentina so do not know the answer! sorry ill try to find it out though okay i promise

Who wrote show me your friends and ill show you your future?

Originally the beatles, in 1986.