Malice is a feeling of ill will. Hatred is another feeling of ill will toward another person.
Resentment is a feeling of ill will or anger toward another person. It often arises from a sense of unfairness or mistreatment. It can negatively impact relationships and one's emotional well-being.
hostility, hatred
Malice hope this helped
hate jealousy love anger fear Empathy, patience, brokenness, happiness, contentment and venerability.
a feeling of anger towars anther
what is life ._.
Anger is a strong feeling of displeasure and opposition toward a person who has done you wrong accompanied by a desire to punish or fight back.
That feeling is called resentment, which can arise from a perceived injustice, unfair treatment, or conflict with someone else. It often involves holding onto negative emotions and harboring a grudge.
malicious? malevolent?maliceenvy, malice or hatred